Black Loyalists |
I do hereby Certify that the Bearer Ned a Free Negro, with his Wife and Family have Served in the Employ of Coll. METLAND in getting him Publick Horses for the Space of Eight Months, And do Forwarn all persons not to trouble or Molest said Ned, Wife or Family, as they are Free Negroes and friends to His Majesty. Given at Savannah Novr. 19 1779-- Coll. METLAND [sic] Permission is hereby Given to Ned a free Black man & his wife Jemimah, with three Children Castle, Ned, & Dublin to go from hence to York, Halifax or elsewhere at their Option.
R BALLINGALL Charlestown So. Carolina To Public Archives of Nova Scotia, RG 1, Volume 170, page 336. Click here for ---> Black Loyalists Main Page The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies |