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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Georgia Light Dragoons

Muster Roll of the 2d Troop of Georgia Light Dragoons Commanded by Captain Archibald CAMPBELL, Savannah 30th November 1779-

Captain Archibald CAMPBELL 25 Decr. 1778 from 71st Regt.
Lieut. Samuel CAMPBELL 24 Do Do In Qtrs Wound. 9 Octr.
Cornet Colin McVEAN 25 Do Do Sick in Quarters
Qr. Master Thomas NEWLANDS 25 Do Do
Sgt Thomas McDOUGALL   6 Feby. 1779 from 71st Regt.
Sgt John BURNET   6 Do Delancies
Sgt Davis COOK 25 Octr. 71st Regt.
Cpl Peter ROBINSON   1 Jany. Do
Cpl James CAMPBELL 25 Octr. Do
Cpl William EMOND 25 Do
Thomas HIGGANS   1 Jany. Delancies
John McDONALD   1 Do 71st Regt. reduced 24 Octr.
John McCOLL   6 Feby. Do Do
James FULLERTON   1 Jany. Do
Donald McBAIN   1 Do Do
John VANDERBURG   1 Do N.Y.Vols.
Miles REILLY   1 Do Delancies
John CLARK   1 Do Do
Donald BACKLEY   6 Feby. Do
John McKAY   6 Do 71st Regt.
Nathaniel MASEN 31 Augt.
Anthony LUN 14 Octr.
Ebert TRENCEY 12 Do
Ralph FERNABY 14 Do
Volunteer John STRAWBERRY 14 Octr. 1779
James JOHNSTON 25 Octr. 1779
Michael McDEARMAID   1 Jany. Sick in Quarters
John POWELL   6 Feby. Sick in Quarters
James TAYLOR   6 Do Do    in Genl. Hospital
Lewis ROGERS   6 Do Prisoner
Ezira RUTHERFORD 19 Sept. Killed 9th October 1779

National Archives of Canada, Ward Chipman Papers, MG 23, D 1, Series 1, Volume 25, page 132.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 2/01/01

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