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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Post War Settlement
Memorial of Sundry Claimants

The Memorial of Sundry Claimants Settlers and Resident in the Two Townships of Shelburn & Carlton in the Province of Nova Scotia


That your Memorialists were formerly Inhabitants of the Provinces now stiled & Acknowledged the United States of America, where they respectively Attached themselves to the cause of their Sovereign and the British Government, & in the Course of the late Disturbances gave full & strong Proofs of such their Attachment.

In Consequence whereof your Memorialists have been obliged to take up their Residence in the wild and uncultivated parts of Nova Scotia after sacrificing in their Professions, Occupations & Properties to the Amount as follows vizt.

Names Towns Provinces Professions Sterling
Benj. MARSTON Mblehead Massachusetts Esquire £1415.    4.    0.
David H. MELLOWS New York New York Trador   1366.  17.    6.
Lewis PALMER W. Chester Do. Farmer   2644.    8.    0.
Saml. DAVENPORT Do. Do. Do.     776.    0.    6.
Joshua PELL Do. Do. Do.   4182.  11.    3.
Thos. CUTLER Kingston Rhode Island Tobacconist   2298.    2.    0.
Thos. FITZGERALD Philadelphia Pensylvania Carter     224.    8.    0.
Thos. FALL Boston Massachusetts King's Pilot       56.    0.    0.
Thos. GILMER Charlotte Co. New York Yeoman     128.  16.    8.
Isab: McMULLEN Albany Co. New York Widow     281.    5.    0.
James HORTON W. Chester Do. Esquire   1385.    3.    2.
Joshua GIDNEY Do. Do. Farmer     376.  17.    6.
Alex. BARTRAM Philadelphia Pensylvania Gent:   6005.    0.    4.
Wm. HILL Boston Massachusetts Baker     300.    0.    0.
Jos: TUNNICLIFF Tryon Co. New York Farmer     681.    3.    9.
Martha HUNT Phillipsburg Do. Widow     631.    2.    6.
Joseph GIDNEY W. Chester Do. Farmer     213.  15.    0.
Saml. PERRY Sandwich Massachusetts Do.     130.    0.    0.
Silas PERRY Do. Do. Do.       80.    0.    0.
Jos: DURFEE Newport Rhode Island Esq.   1300.    0.    0.
Reuben TUCKER Townsend Massachusetts Yeoman   2440.    0.    0.
Gilbt. GIBERSON Monmouth New Jersey Farmer   1095.    8.  10.
Donald McCRUMEN Anson Co. No. Carolina Gent.     745.    0.    0.
Jno. McLEOD Cumberland Co. Do. Do.     684.    0.    0.
Soirle McDONALD Anson Co. Do. Do.   2152.  10.    0.
George HARDING Philadelphia Pensylvania Carpenter   1455.    0.    0.
Wm. WARDON Boston Massachusetts Trader     426.    0.    0.
Richd. JENKINGS New York New York Baker     624.    2.    6.
Weart BANTA Hackensack New Jersey Gent.     800.    0.    0.
Enoch HUNT Frogs Neck New York Farmer   3002.    9.    2.
Benj. PALMER Courtland Do. Do.     132.    9.    5.
And. LINEN Boston Massachusetts Gardner     320.    0.    0.
Jos: WELSH Cambridge Do. Glazier     557.    2.    0.
Alexr. MURRY Pitsylvania Virginia Mercht.   2022.  12.    0.
Joshua HILL Sussex Co. Deleware Gent.   8693.    8.    0.
Jerem. PECKER Haverill Massachusetts Do.     326.    5.    0.
Danl. NEAL Boston Do. Do.     397.  10.    0.
Roger DICKENSON N. Marlboro New York Farmer     334.  16.    0.
Jas. WRIGHT Ninety Six So. Carolina Gent.     390.    0.    0.
Dan. MIGLER Do. Do. Farmer     598.  12.    6.
Peter BLEWER Mecklenburg Do. Do.     457.  15.    0.
Jacob BLEWER [blank] No. Carolina Do.     262.    0.    0.
Peter FRITZ Ninety Six So. Carolina Farmer     155.    0.    0.
Conrad MARK Do. Do. Do.     459.    8.    0.
Ab. Jno. FRITZ Do. Do. Do.     535.    4.    0.
John BLEWER [blank] No. Carolina Do.     180.    0.    0.
Wm. CASTLES Albany Co. New York Do.     507.  17.    6.
Math. PENDERGEST Do. Do. Do.     925.    6.    3.
Ch. Ol: BRUFF New York Do. Cutler   3383.    8.    9.
John BOYD Northumberland Co. Pensylva. Gent.     336.    0.    0.
Alex. ROBERTSON Cumberland Co. Pensylvania Indian Trader   1190.    0.    0.
Wm. BRIGGS Duchess Co. New York Farmer   2112.    0.    0.
David BROWN Boston Massachusetts Trader     300.    0.    0.
Chas. BOWERS Ninety Six So. Carolina Planter     278.    8.    0.
Adam BOWERS Do. Do. Do.     646.    0.    0.
Jno. DORES Do. Do. Do.     115.    8.    2.
Eliz. DORES Do. Do. late Widow of one Henry of 96 decd.       84.  11.  10.
Sarah HARRIS Dutchess Co. New York Widow of Capt. Peter HARRIS     707.  18.    0.
Wm. COWPER Boston Massachusetts Gent.   1888.  10.    9.
Jasper HARDING Bucks Co. Pensylvania Taylor     286.  16.    0.
Saml. HERBERT Albany Co. New York Farmer     308.    5.    0.
Danl. WATSON Tyron Co. Do. Do.     112.  10.    0.
Walter TURNBULL Do. Do. Do.     142.    1.    9.
Anth. WOODWARD Monmouth Co. New Jersey Do.   3040.  16.    0.
Thos. HOOPER Middlesex Co. Do. Do.     825.    0.    0.
Richd. ROBINS Monmouth Co. Do. Do.   1090.   13.    0.
Jno. KINGSTON MammyCotter New York Do.     186.    6.    0.
Jas. COLLINS Brunswick New Jersies Gent.     436.    4.    0.
Patrick WALL Boston Massachusetts Mert. Taylor     545.    0.    0.
Nathl. MUNRO Brunswick New Jersies Carpenter     259.    4.    0.
Wm. TYNG Falmouth Massachusetts Esq.-Exclusive of Sheriffing   4015.    0.    0.
Eliz. ROSS Do. Do. Widow     900.    0.    0.
Eliz. GIDNEY W. Chester New York Do.     400.    0.    0.
Jas. GAMAGE Boston Massachusetts Shop keeper     150.    0.    0.
Sam. & Jno. KIRK Philadelphia Pensylvania Merchants     528.    0.    0.
Marg. CRAWFORD Boston Massachusetts Widow     250.    0.    0.
Mary O'BRIEN Newark New Jersey Do.       66.    0.    0.
Niel McKAY Tryon Co. New York Farmer     144.  16.   11.
Hugh FRASER Do. Do. Do.     300.  18.    9.
Jno. McVEY Do. Do. Do.     110.  10.    8.
Alex. CAMERON Do. Do. Do.     109.    2.    6.
Saml. BAGNAL Do. Do. Do.     457.    3.    6.
John MURRAY Harpersfield Do. Do.     211.  15.    8.
Jno. HUGGERFORD New York Do. Physician     150.    0.    0.

Your Memorialists therefore pray that their Cases may be taken into your Consideration, in order that your Memorialists may be enabled under your Report, to receive such Aid or Relief as their Loss and Services may be found to deserve.

Donald McPHERSON No. Carolina     860.  17. 1/4.

N.B.- this meml. tied up with Mr. WALTERs Bundle but not entered in the list.

Mem.- The Proofs & Evidences of the above will be exhibited by the Revd. Mr. Wm. WALTER or his Substitute when required by the Honorable the Commissioners.

Portsmouth Street No. 3  }
Lincoln's Inn fields             }      6 March 1784

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 51, pages 622-624.

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