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Research Address Book Property Confiscations Post-War Settlement Patterns Female Ancestors Church Records


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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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Research Address Book

Planning on doing further research? An excellent idea!

We recommend the institutions listed below as places to assist you with primary research concerning Loyalists. Some are better for military records while others specialize in family history.

Please contact each before visiting to find out what material (if any) is suitable to your research.

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United States

Library of Congress
  101 Independence Ave. S.E.
  Washington, DC 20540
  Phone:   202-707-5000
  Website:   http://www.loc.gov
  Hours:   Various. Consult web site for specifics.
National Archives and Records Administration
  700 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
  Washington, DC 20408
  Website:   http://www.nara.gov
  Hours:   8:45am-5:00pm Mon & Wed
8:45am-9:00pm Tue, Thu & Fri
8:45am-4:45pm Sat
Newberry Library
  60 West Walton St.
  Chicago, IL 60610-3305
  Phone:   312–943–9090
  Website:   http://www.newberry.org/nl/newberryhome.html
  Hours:   10:00am-6:00pm Tue-Thu
9:00am-5:00pm Fri-Sat
Allen County Public Library
  900 Webster Street
  Fort Wayne, IN 46802
  Phone:   219-421-1200
  Website:   http://www.acpl.lib.in.us/
  Hours:   1:00pm-6:00pm Sun, Memorial through Labor Day
9:00am-9:00pm Mon-Thu
9:00am-6:00pm Fri-Sat
William L. Clements Library
  University of Michigan
  909 S. University Ave.
  Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
  Phone:   734-764-2347
  Website:   http://clements.umich.edu/
  Hours:   9:00am-11:45am Mon-Fri
1:00pm-4:45pm Mon-Fri
New York State Library
  Cultural Education Center
  Empire State Plaza
  Albany, NY 12230
  Phone:   518-474-5355
  Website:   http://www.nysl.nysed.gov
  Hours:   9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri
New-York Historical Society
  2 West 77th Street
  New York, NY 10024
  Phone:   212-873-3400
  Website:   http://www.nyhistory.org
  Hours:   11:00am-5:00pm Tue-Sat
New York Public Library
  Fifth Avenue at 42nd Street
  New York, NY 10018
  Phone:   212-869-8089
  Website:   http://www.nypl.org
  Hours:   10:00am-6:00pm Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat
11:00am-7:30pm Tue & Wed
New Jersey State Archives
  225 West State St.
  Trenton, NJ 08625
  Phone:   609-292-6260
  Website:   http://www.state.nj.us/state/darm/links/archives.html
  Hours:   8:30am-4:30pm Mon-Fri (except holidays)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
  1300 Locust Street
  Philadelphia, PA 19107-5699
  Phone:   215-732-6200
  Website:   http://www.hsp.org/
  Hours:   10:00am-4:45pm Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat
2:00pm-8:45pm Wed
David Library of the American Revolution
  PO Box 748
  1201 River Road
  Washington Crossing, PA 18977
  Phone:   215-493-6776
  Website:   http://dlar.org/
  Hours:   10:00am-5:00pm Tue-Sat
The Family History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  35 North West Temple Street
  Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3400
  Phone:   801-240-2331
  Website:   https://familysearch.org/search
  Hours:   7:30am-6:00pm Mon
7:30am-10:00pm Tue-Sat

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National Archives of Canada
  395 Wellington Street
  Ottawa, ON K1A 0N3
  Phone:   613-995-5138
  Website:   http://www.archives.ca/index.html
  Hours:   8:30am-5:00pm Mon-Fri
8:30am-10:00pm Mon-Fri (Reading Room)
8:00am-6:00pm Sat (Reading Room)
Public Archives of Nova Scotia
  6016 University Avenue
  Halifax, NS B3H 1W4
  Phone:   902-424-6060
  Website:   http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/
  Hours:   8:30am-4:30pm Mon-Fri
9:00am-5:00pm Sat - Must pre-book
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
  PO Box 6000
  Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1
  Phone:   506-453-2122
  Hours:   10:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri
8:30am-5:00pm Sat
Archives of Ontario
  77 Grenville Street West
  Toronto, ON M7A 2R9
  Phone:   416-327-1600
  Website:   http://www.archives.gov.on.ca/en/index.aspx
  Hours:   8:15am-5:00pm Mon-Fri
5:00pm-10:30pm Mon-Fri (No retrieval or reference service)
10:00am-8:00pm Sat (No retrieval or reference service)
Archives nationales du Québec
  1012 avenue du Seminaire
  C.P. 10450
  Sainte-Foy, QC G1V 4N1
  Phone:   418-643-8904
  Website:   http://www.anq.gouv.qc.ca
Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador
  Colonial Building
  Military Road
  St. John's NF A1C 2C9
  Phone:   709-729-3065
Public Archives and Record Office (PEI)
  Box 1000
  Charlottetown PE C1A 7M4
  Phone:   902-368-4290
  Website:   http://www.edu.pe.ca/paro/about.asp
  Hours:   10:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri (October - May)
6:30pm-9:30pm Thu (October - May)
9:00am-4:00pm Mon-Fri (June - September)
Harriet Irving Library
  University of New Brunswick
  5 Macauley Drive
  Fredericton, NB E3B 5H5
  Phone:   506-458-7063
  Contact:   Barbara MacQuarrie
  Website:   http://www.lib.unb.ca/index.php

June 22 - Friday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
June 23 - Saturday - 1:00pm - 5:00pm
June 24 - Sunday - CLOSED
June 25, 26, 27 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 8:00am - 10:00pm
June 28, 29 - Thursday, Friday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
June 30, July 1, 2 - Saturday, Sunday, Monday - CLOSED


July 3 - August 11
Monday - Thursday - 8:00am - 10:00pm
Friday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday - CLOSED
August 12 - September 9
Monday - Friday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday - CLOSED

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Great Britain

Public Record Office
  Ruskin Road
  Kew, Richmond
  Surrey TW9 4DU
  Phone:   0181-392-5200
  Website:   http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
  Hours:   9:00am-5:00pm Mon, Wed, Fri
10:00am-7:00pm Tue
9:00am-7:00pm Thu
9:30am-5:00pm Sat

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