Post War Settlement |
List of Men of the late K. O. Rangers at Passamaquoddy
[Signed] John YOUNG
I do certify that the above named Men, Women and Children are Actually present and are by the Kings Instructions entitled to their proportion of the Kings Bounty Saint Andrews [Signed] Gillam TAILER Muster Roll of a Party of the late Royal Garrison Battalion Settled at Maggeegodavic River, Passamaquoddy Bay 10th May 1784
[Signed] Samuel McDOUGALL I do certify that the above named Men, Women and Children are actually present and are by the King's Instructions entitled to their proportaion of the King's Bounty.
[Signed] Gillam TAILER Saint Andres List of Men, Women and Children's Names Discharged from the 70th Regt. and settled in the District of Passamaquoddy 8th July 1784.
[Signed] Robert HAMILTON I do certify that the Above named men, Women and Children are Actually present and are by the King's Instructions entitled to their Proportion of the Kings Bounty.
[Signed] Gillam TAILER Saint Andres Return of Men with Capt. DAWSON Settling at Passamaquoddy St. Andrews 3d July 1784
Total 4 Men, One Woman I do certify that the above mentioned Men & Woman are actually present and are by the Kings Instructions entitled to their proportion of the King's Bounty.
[Signed] Gillam TAILER Saint Andrews List of Mens Names late of the 42d Regt. and Nova Scotia Volunteers, settled in the District of Passamaquoddy
[Signed] Colin McNABB I do certify that the above named Men and Woman are actually present and are by the Kings Instructions entitled to their proportion of the Royal Bounty.
[Signed] Gillam TAILER Saint Andrews Brunswick Soldiers late of the Regiment of Specht Settling at Saint Andrews, Passamaquoddy.
[Signed] Charles DUPNACH 30th May 1784
I do Certify that the above named men are actually present and are by the King's Instructions entitled to their proportion of the King's Bounty.
[Signed] Gillam TAILER Saint Andrews Return of Men, Women and Children, Loyalists, Settled in the District of Passsamaquoddy 12th July 1784
I do certify that the above named Men, Women and Children are actually present and are by the King's Instructions entitled to their proportion of the Royal Bounty.
Gillam TAILER Saint Andrews Return of Mens Names, Loyalists, Settled with Ensign James McNABB on the River Maggeegodavie, Bay of Passamaquoddy 12th July 1784
[Signed] James McNABB I do certify that the above named Men & Women are Actually present, and are by the King's Instructions entitled ot their proportion of the Royal Bounty.
[Signed] Gillam TAILER Saint Andrews National Archives of Canada, Ward Chipman Papers, MG 23, D 1, Series I, Volume 24, pages 180-183. Click here for ---> Post War Settlement Main Page The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies Copyright Restrictions Document Formatting Optimal Viewing |