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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Female Ancestors
Memorial of Brush & Buchanan

To His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton K.B.
&c. &c. &c.

A short Representation of the Distressed situation of Margaret BRUSH, Widow of the late Crean BRUSH Esqr. deced. and Frances BUCHANON, Daughter to Widow BRUSH, and Widow of the late Capt. John BUCHANON of the Queen’s Rangers Deced.

Most humbly Submitted to the Humane Consideration of your Excellency.

It would be needless to trouble your Excellency with a Detail of Mr. BRUSHes sufferings, through his steady Attachment to Government, or that of his being in Government Employ when taken Prisoner; as We presume your Excellency has been acquainted with those Circumstances.

Widow BRUSH begs Leave, only to Inform your Excellency that in the Month of March 1777, She went from this City with a Flagg, to Mr. BRUSH, then a Prisoner in Boston Jayl, where She remained ‘till he effected his Escape, on which she was by the Rebels close Confined for some time.

They alledging she had assisted Mr. BRUSH in making his Escape.

That before She was permitted to come from Boston, the Jayl Keeper, and others exacted large sums of money from her, for Charges brought against Mr. BRUSH, and her, unprecedented in any Country, or ever known to be paid by Prisoners.

That on her Arrival here, she had the Melancholy Account of the Death of her Husband; and that of her Daughter’s Husband also; and no visible means of Support for either, except being informed that Government had been pleased to Order Mr. BRUSH to be paid his Salary during his Confinement, and to be continued in pay.

Widow BUCHANON begs leave also to inform yr. Excellency That her Husband Capt. BUCHANON had been an Officer in the King’s Service for many years, and was Lieutenant on half Pay when he got a Company in the Queen’s Rangers;

and that since the Death of her Husband, which was in October last, She, a Child, and Servant, have had no other Support, save the Assistance of some well disposed Acquaintances.

From the above recited Circumstances, the Subscribers Pray your Excy. will be pleased to Order Us such part of Mr. BRUSH’s Pay, as may Appear to be due, at his Decease.

And Widow BUCHANON Entreats your Excy. will please to Inform her whether she is to have the Support usually allowed Officers Widows; and in the mean time to order her Two Rations of Provisions for her Self and Child, or such further Relief as your Excellency may think fit.

Margret BRUSH

20th Feb. 1778

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 31, item 21.

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