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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Clothing & Supplies
Distribution of Voluntary Contributions

Distribution of Monies and Necessaries, from the Voluntary Contributions, Collected for the Encouragement and Support of the Provincial Forces raised in the Province of New York.

Sum in N. Blankets or
York Curry. Shirts Shoes Blanket Coats For What Corps
£80.    0.    0. 300 421 Pr. 200 New York Volunteers
  80.    0.    0. 350 350 Do --- Queens Rangers
  80.    0.    0. 270 265 Do 260 1st Battn. DeLancey's
  80.    0.    0. 260 254 Do 113 2d     Do       Do
  80.    0.    0. 200 200 Do 185 3d     Do       Do
  80.    0.    0. 400 476 Do 126 P.W.A. Volunteers
------------------- 350 452 Do 516 The Kings American Regt.
  80.    0.    0. 204 227 Do   88 Orange Rangers
  80.    0.    0. 208 200 Do 151 Loyal American Regt.
  80.    0.    0. ---   98 Do   48 Independent Companies
  80.    0.    0. 220 180 Do   40 The Guides & Pioneers
------------------- 108   22 Do   65 Emmericks Chasseurs
  55.    0.    0. The Sick Provincials at Harlem
N.B.  Four Milch Cows & one
Calf, to furnish Milk for
the Hospital.

[signed]  Wm. TRYON

[no date-- ca 1777/78]

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sackville-Germain Papers, Volume 16.

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