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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Prince of Wales' American Regiment
Court of Inquiry

Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry held at Huntinton November 23d 1779, by Order of Major General TRYON, on the complaint of Mjor CARDEN of the Prince of Wales's American Volunteers, against Lieut. Colonel PATTINSON of the same regiment.

President, Gabriel G. LUDLOW Colo. 3d Battn. DeLancey's
42d Regiment members 17th Lt. Dragoons


Major CARDEN informs the Court, That Lieutenant Colonel PATTINSON arrived at New Port with a Detachment from Lloyds Neck in October 1778, in a Schooner loaded with sundry Articles, his own property, which he caused to be sold, Vis-

Firewood, Timber and Oars to different People at New Port and at publick Auction.

Wheat, Corn and Oats, and Poultry of all kinds to People in the Garrison.

A Number of Sheep to different People some of which were slaughtered and sold in the publick market.

Several Casks of Wine sent from New York for sale and sold by him since his Arrival to different Persons in the Garrison.

A quantity of French Rum purchased at Publick Auction in New Port removed into English Casks and sold to a profit of twelve pounds or upwards after allowing a Commission of three pence half penny p. Gallon to a Serjeant of the Regiment whom he ordered to sell it.

That he refused Men to the Commissary when he gave a Dollar p. day for mowing & three for Rakeing, that he (Coll. PATTINSON) might employ them for himself, and would only pay them three Shillings for mowing, and two Shillings rakeing, if they would not work for these sums he would sweat-them by having the Regiment constantly out at Exercise.

That he had Beef slaughtered and sold in the publick market in New Port on the 20th October which was bought from the Inhabitants the 19th-

The Court are of opinion that the Charges produced by Major CARDEN are not sufficient to bring Lieut. Coll. PATTINSON to a General Court Martial-

G. G. LUDLOW Coll. &

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 76, item 41.

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