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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Indian Department
Return of Dept. of Indian Affairs

Return of Officers &c in the Department of Colonel Guy JOHNSON Superintendent of Indian Affairs.

New York 4th October 1776

Rank Names How Appointed Remarks
Deputy Agents Alexr. McKEE Esq. By the late Sr. Wm. JOHNSON Bart. originally under Sr. Wm. JOHNSON. Employed on Ohio, and its environs.
John BUTLER Esqr. By Colonel JOHNSON in 1774. Sent last Fall as Agent to Niagra &c recommended as Deputy Agent for the Six Nations
John DEASE Esqr. By Colonel JOHNSON in Novr. 1774 with approbation of Genl. GAGE. First appointed for the middle District (now with Colo. JOHNSON) recommended for the Northwt. or otherwise as the Genl. judges most fitting.
Secretary Josh. CHEW Esqr. By the King's Commission Secretary for Indian Affairs, is an old Officer always held by Commission from His Majesty.
Captain Gilbt. TICE By Colonel JOHNSON in June 1775 with like Approbation. (Now with Colonel JOHNSON). Duty to conduct and take Care of the Indian Parties &c.
Lieutenants Peter JOHNSON By ditto, ditto. Now with Colonel JOHNSON. Duty the same. Recommended to be a Captain.
Nathl. HILLYER By ditto, ditto. Sent to Niagra last Fall under the Direction of Col. BUTLER
Danl. STIELL By ditto, ditto. Ditto.
James BENNET By ditto, ditto. Ditto.
John JOHNSTON By ditto, ditto. Sent at the same Time to the Seneca Country under the same Direction.
Wm. JOHNSTON By ditto, ditto. Ditto.
Chrisr. KREUSER By ditto, ditto. Sent to the Misisagas &c
(Ensign 29th Regt.) Wm. JOHNSON By ditto, 24 March 1776. In Cana. recommended to continued if consistent.
John the Mohock By ditto, ditto. Now with Colonel JOHNSON appointed as a useful Man at his Desire.
Surgeon John CONSTABLE By ditto, 1775. Now with Colonel JOHNSON, the original Appoint. by Sr. Wm. JOHNSON, & his Duties to attend the Indians & Department.
An Ast. Interpreter Joseph, Indian Chief. By ditto, 1774. Now with Colonel JOHNSON, appointed to attend all Treaties Negotiations &c.
Interpreters [blank] PHILLIPS By Sir Wm. JOHNSON For the northern Deputy
S. GIRTHY By ditto. For the Ohio ditto.
Clerk Now vacant Office first by Sr. Wm. JOHNSON & Cont. by Colonel JOHNSON. Until Colonel JOHNSON provides himself with another Clerk, the doing the Business exceeds the Salary.
Store Keeper Mores IBBIT By Sr. William JOHNSON. Now with Colonel JOHNSON- His Duty to take Care and serve out all Necessaries to the Indians.
Rangers John POWELL
Michael MORAN
By Colonel JOHNSON 1775. The Rangers are very Necessary to accompany Indian Parties, serve as Expresses and assist the Officers. Colonel JOHNSON to lessen the Expences discharged several of them last October in Canada but these four were found necessary to go with Mr. BUTLER to Niagra who has probably employed more this Year if the Service requires it.


The Duty of a Deputy is to confer with the Indians, obtain Intelligence and transmit it to the Superintendant, and negotiate all Matters committed to him.

Smiths are employed to work for the Indians but it is not at present known who they are if any.

G. JOHNSON Colonel & Superintendt.
of Indian Affairs

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Headquarters Papers of the British Army in America, PRO 30/55/10209.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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