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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Indian Department
Johnson to Nelles

Niagara Apl. 20th 1781


I have received your Letter of the 15th Inst. and satisfied the bearer.

From what I have heard at this place, I don’t doubt but some of the people you mention may be disaffected. It is found necessary now for them all to Settle at Buffaloe Creek, where they can be better atended to, and out of harms way.

By our last Accots. from Quebec, we hear that the Spaniards are tired of the War, and the French have little prospect of doing anything, and indeed all the news we have is in our favor.

You can tell the Indians this, & also that one of our Ships has taken a Rebel Ship going to France with the President of the Congress and all his Papers, by which we have found out all their Schemes, and the poor state they are in.

I shou’d have no objection to your going out with the War party but that I think it will be for a While necessary to have an Officer at Karaghyaderha;

and as I have sent your Son off, to go with them, I suppose that will answer, however if it will be more pleasing to the Indians you can go with them, & leave him in your place to forward news.

The rout I want them to take is towards Fort Pitt, as the Rebels in that Quarter threaten the Shawanese & you may fall upon some of their Convoys, or get Intelligence.

I am Sir,
Your Friend & Servt.


Archives of Ontario, Henry Nelles Papers, MU 3296.5.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 7/01/00

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