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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Indian Department
Claus to Johnson

Extracts from a Letter received Yesterday from Danl. CLAUS Esqr. late a Captain in the 60th Regimt. (& Appointed to Command a band of Indians the last Campaign) to Col. JOHNSON, dated Montreal 12th Novr. 1777.

The Miscarriage of Brigr. ST. LEGERs Expedition "was entirely owing to the trifling Equipment of Artillery against Fort Stanwix, which was repair'd and in a good State of Defence with upwards of 600 men in Garrison, suffict. Artillery, Stores & provisions to hold out longer than we cou'd besiege it, having only 2 Six pounders, 2 Threes, & 4 Cohorns, about 700 Whites & upwards of 800 Indians.

"Three days after investing it a Body of above 900 Rebels, advancing upon us from the Mohock River they were attacked & defeated by a body of the Indians & Sir John JOHNs Light Company who killed above 500 including the principal Rebels such as Brigr. Genl. Herkimer, Cols. Cox Isaac Paris, Lt. Col. Seber, Lewis Groot, & many more, with Col. Bellinger, Fry Blevin & McMaster & other Prisoners.

But as to the Siege we cou'd do nothing, the Rebels knowing our Artillery; But Lt. Col. BUTLER who as you will allow" **** [Here is inserted some things of an Extraordinary nature on which Col. JOHNSON will speak to the General with his Permission]

He then proceeds, "Sr. Guy CARLTON has lately Appointed him (i.e. BUTLER) to the Command of a Separate body of 8 Companys of Rangers.

"On my Arrival here with the rear of Brigadier ST. LEGERs party, agreable to orders, I sent on the Caghnawasys & followed myself with the Lake of 2 Mountain Indians intended to raise the blockade of Tyconderoga (which was surrounded by 2000 Rebels) & then proceed to Genl. BURGOYNE, when I arrived at St. Johns I asked Sir Guy CARLETONs Commands & desired a Warrt. for £ 1500 Str. to pay for the Goods & money advanced the Inds. with Genl. ST. LEGERs approbation.

"Sr. Guy Said he had no Commands & did not come to St. Johns to transact money matters, **** I suspected before leaving London that Sr. Guy would dislike my Appointment & wou'd thwart me in what Lay in his power, but Mr. KNOX told me I wou'd not be long under his Command but wou'd soon Joyn Sir Wm. HOWEs Army in which I am disappointed & Sr. Guy who I hear is going home in the Spring will do nothing more in your Department, but refers me to Lt. Col. BOLTON at Niagara.

"The Council of Onondaga have resolved to fall upon the Mohock Canowaroghereoneidas, & the Mohock River." --

"Joseph who since you sent him among the Six Nations has acted the part of the most faithfull Servant, is now among them with his Sister, doing his utmost, & will bring about great things with these people as time will shew, in Spight of ****, whom he has found out & Complained of.

"I have given him farther directions how to act & a Credit on a person at Niagara and I have sent Capt. Jno. JOHNSTON to Seneca to Sayenquezaghta &c the great Chief, who has behaved well since your Appointment of him in that Quarter, also Lieutenant DOCKSTEDDER who has influence I sent to Cayuga.

"BUTLER coaxed Sr. Guy out of His Rangers Commission by engaging to Assemble the Indians & Cut his way to Genl. BURGOYNE but ****

"If I can get money at Quebec I shall draw on you on accot. of Indn. Expences in your Department, as the Inds. here will be Expensive.- I hear that 200 Senecas intend to Winter at Oswegatchy, to make Excursions from thence to the Mohock River."

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 26, item 32.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 12/15/99

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