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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

British Legion
Officers petition Governor Thomas Jefferson

The Memorial of Lieu't Vernon Quart'r M'r Embree Volunteer Willett of the British Legion & Joshua Hamilton Store Keeper to the Provincial Forces

Sheweth that your Memorialists was taken Prisoners by the Providence & Ranger Sloops of War in January 1780 & brought into Charles Town, but Gen'l Lincoln Understanding that an Exped'n was coming against that place thought proper to send us to George Town, from George Town we was sent to Willmington, from Willmington to Newbern, from Newbern to Halifax, & after remaining in Halifax upwards of Six Months we was ordered for this place and Understanding that we are still to proceed further, we beg to lay before Y'r Excellency the disagreeable situation to which we are reduced to, Thirteen Months & upwards we have been prisoners not one farthing of Subsistence has been sent us, the different Marches we have had has destroy'd the little Necessaries that was left us, so that we are at this present Moneyless and without Necessaries not fitting to appear in the Character we would wish at all times to support, therefore we beg of Y'r Excellency to Parole us into Gen'l Arnold and we give our word of honour that Officers of the same rank shall be sent out in our room, till regular [torn] exchanged, if this favour cant be granted that Subsistence may be advanced to us, and an order for the same we will give on the Pay Master of the Forces in Charles Town which will be paid immediately on demand we likewise in [sic] inclose an order we received from Gov'r Nash to the Council in Halifax to supply us with money but it being of no value to us on account of leaving that State we was obliged to march without the least supply, therefore we hope Y'r Excellency will consider us, if the former request cant be granted, that the latter may be considered & your Memorialists in duty bound will Ever pray-

/ Sign'd /

N. Vernon L't B. L.
Tho's Embree Q'r M'r B. L.
S. Willett Volunteer B. L.
Joshua Hamilton

To His Excell'y Gov'r Jefferson &c. &c.
Richmond 1st March 1781

Library of Virginia (Richmond), Record Group 3, Governors' Papers, Jefferson
Courtesy Bill Bynum, Reference Archivist, Library of Virginia

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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