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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Post War Settlement
Petition of John Bininger

To His Excellency John Graves SIMCOE
Esqr. Lieutenant Governor, and Commander
in Chief, of the Province of Upper Canada
and Colonel commanding His Majestys
Forces &ca &ca &ca.

The Petition of John BININGER

humbly Sheweth,

That your Excellencys petitioner hath always been firmly attached to the British Government and constitution, and with several others came to Canada from the province of New York in the fall 1776;

and in the Spring following your Petitioner was taken into employment by the Commissary General, to assist in his Department at St. Johns, where your Petitioner remain’d untill the Summer 1780, and was then advanced to the station of Clerk in the Commissary Generals Office at Montreal, where he had the Honor to serve, with approbation, untill the conclusion of the War, (as the annexed copy of Messrs CLARKE and McLEANs certificate in part specifies.)

Your Petitioner then returned in the Colonies to assist his aged parents, who had been greatly distressed by the calamities of the War, and after discharging his filial duty to them, your petitioner returned in June 1791 to settle himself in this, His Majestys new Province,

And your Petitioner made application last Summer to the Honorable Land Board to receive the like Quantity of Bounty Lands as had been before granted and allowed to other Subjects who had been in similar employment, but hath since received no answer to the petition and several recommendations which were given in, and transmitted by the board, to his Lordship.

Your Petitioner therefore, not having drawn any extra Land, humbly prays that your Excellency will take his case into consideration and allow him such a farther additions in any place not already located, as your Excellency may deem proper.

And Your Excellency’s Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray &ca.


23rd July 1792

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(Copy)              Commissary Generals Office Montreal 6 June 1791

On the application of Mr. John BININGER who is about to apply for a grant of Land from Government, I certifye that he was employed for several Years in the Commissary Department during the late War, first an Issuer of Provisions at St. Johns and afterwards as Clerk in the Commissary Generals Office, and that the Commissary General was satisfied with his Conduct.

              (Signed)   Isaac W. CLARKE, Asst. Commry. General and at Kingston 29 June 91
              (Signed)   Niel McLEAN Asst. Commry. General.

National Archives of Canada, Upper Canada Land Petitions, “B” Bundle 1, 1791-1796, RG 1, L 3, Volume 27, Page 58.

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